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If you are experiencing a lack of cellular oxygen and poor blood supply caused by various conditions or injuries, this may allow the cells and tissues to take advantage of the benefits of the LEDs near IR energy. Multiple studies have demonstrated that under these compromised conditions, the introduction of near IR energy enhances the tissue’s metabolic activity in these injury-challenged tissue components. While the near IR energy from LED light therapy for pain has a significant effect on damaged cells and tissues, normal healthy cells and tissues are appreciably less affected.

The cellular cascade effect (a series of interlocking biological events caused by the actions of enzymes and the presence of near IR light) has a significant impact on cell and tissue function. A considerable num­ber of the reactive proteins are enzymes, and respond to near IR energy. The effects of near IR energy are amplified in the stimula­tion of beneficial enzymes and depression of detrimental enzymes.

What are these effects? The particular affinity of photo­reactive enzymes is to accelerate func­tions in the presence of LED light therapy for pain, near IR energy provides a critical increase in the molecule ATP (cellular energy unit) and Nitric Oxide (a potent vasodilator which increases local blood circulation). These increases enhance cellular metabolism and circulatory improvement as well as nerve function. In short, the near IR energy of LED pain therapy devices facilitates cellular and tissue repair, which in turn, relieves pain. Read on for a more in-depth look at the benefits of LED Light Therapy!

Physiological Effects & Results of Therapeutic Treatments With Photo Light Therapy Using LED Coherent Light In the 625-660 nm Frequencies

Human physiology is the science of the mechanical, physical and biochemical functions of humans, their organs, the cells of which they are composed, their interaction and effects. Studies have shown that many pain causing conditions can be treated by using Photo Light Therapy to alleviate pain and speed up healing. In fact, NASA pioneered the research and development of the technology and its application. Photo Light Therapy is the utilization of energy produced by certain light sources at a specific frequency and concentration to produce a desired physiological or chemical result. Sources of this energy include but are not limited to Light Emitting Diodes (“LED”), Lasers and Cold Lasers.

LED devices can be tuned to various frequencies. Research has demonstrated that the most effective frequencies for medical application and benefit is contained within the red and near-infrared wavelengths, between 600 and 900 nanometers. Some specific frequencies have been shown to duplicate the beneficial frequencies of sunlight, which stimulate normal, dysfunctional and damaged tissue. Numerous clinical studies of Photo Light Therapy, “Near-Infrared” technology, sometimes referred to as “Laser Technology,” has demonstrated considerable and favorable effect on animal cells and tissue. These effects listed below have been studied and published since the 1980’s in the US, Europe and Asia (see references).

01. The Science was initially developed by NASA and applied to clinical studies at various institutions, including the VA.

  • Photons are a quantum of visible light or other form of electromagnetic radiation demonstrating both particle and wave properties. A photon has neither mass nor electric charge but possesses energy and momentum.
  • Photons hit photoreceptor molecules of mixed valence of Cytochrome C Oxide in mitochondria. In short, a photochemical reaction is begun. A greater number of photons create more reactions, however limited to saturation, to the capacity to absorb photons effectively.
  • The energized mitochondria thus speed up the intake and use of nutrients and removal of waste.

02. Cell Growth, Repair and Replacement:

  • Mitochondria, sometimes described as “cellular power plants”, generate most of the cell’s supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and are the most significant source of chemical energy for most cells. The ATP oxidizes the mitochondria, which is part of the natural process for the electron transport chain in the Krebs cycle. Mitochondria are also involved in a range of other processes, such as signaling, cellular differentiation, cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth.
  • The Photon emission at the optimal frequencies creates the best conditions for increased cellular activity by energizing the mitochondrial activity.
  • Light in the mid 600 nanometers frequencies penetrate the soft tissues deeply (energy and momentum) through blood, hemoglobin and vessels, (red-near red frequencies) and reach relatively deep tissues.
  • Light in the mid 600 nanometers frequencies penetrate the soft tissues deeply (energy and momentum) through blood, hemoglobin and vessels, (red-near red frequencies) and reach relatively deep tissues.

03. Tissue and Wound Healing:

  • Fibroblasts are the most common cells of connective tissue in animals. They synthesize the extracellular matrix and collagen, essential protein required to repair damaged tissue by replacing it with new tissue.
  • Mitochondria in fibroblasts play the critical role in wound healing. Energized to an activated state of metabolism, these cells accelerate the natural healing or replacement of the affected tissues.
  • Near infrared light at optimal strength penetrates soft tissues with effective energy to cause positive outcome in healing and/or pain reduction.
  • Such light penetration increases metabolic activity, higher oxygenation of blood, energy availability to all cellular activities and natural chemical reactions.
  • Another observed outcome in treatment of damaged tissues is the dilation of blood vessels, an increase of their diameter, and often the concurrent development of new capillaries.

04. Non-Invasive Anti-Inflammation and Analgesic (Anti-Pain):

  • Often injuries are followed by inflammation of tissues accompanied by pain.
  • Near infrared light therapy causes dilatation of blood vessels and activates the lymphatic drainage system in the treated areas reducing swelling and associated pain.
  • Additionally, the treatments have beneficial effects on the nerve cells by blocking pain signal transmissions to the brain, thus decreasing nerve sensitivity.
  • The increased production of pain killing chemicals like endorphin and other natural pain relievers from the brain and glands like the Pituitary, cause analgesia and a sense of well being.
  • Near infrared light treatments have been shown to also speed up recovery of nerve functions in damaged tissues, accelerate nerve cell reconnection and increase the range of motion of damaged muscles and limbs.
  • Also, neuron electrochemical signaling and feedback has been observed to increase in treatment of damaged tissues.
  • This type of NON-INVASIVE therapy often replaces or reduces the need to use expensive drugs.

05. Immunology:

  • Photobiostimulation by LED therapy in the discussed frequencies directly affects antibodies, and lymphocytes used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects (bacteria, viruses, etc.).
  • When a Chromophore, a region(s) in a molecule where certain wavelengths of light are absorbed by exciting an electron from its ground state into an excited state, the molecule “hosting” antibody becomes active and ready to bind to foreign molecules, proteins to render them harmless.
  • Another effect of near-infrared light treatment is the activation of ATP production, the major “fuel” for most chemical reaction in cells.


Low level light therapy (also known as photo light therapy, photobiomodulation, LED {light emitting diode} therapy, cold laser therapy and laser therapy) is a growing medical and veterinary technique in which exposure to low-level light or light-emitting diodes are used to stimulate cellular function leading to beneficial clinical effects and non-invasively reduce pain and accelerate healing.

Light therapy using laser devices were believed to be ideal for the application. However, experimentation in the field by NASA demonstrated that using light emitting diodes (LED) was just as effective when tuned to the red/near-infrared frequencies and delivered at optimal energy strength. Tuned LED devices imitate sunlight at the desirable energy levels and wavelengths under controlled conditions, avoiding harmful effects and providing portability and timing convenience.

The MedLight Pro 630TM, a premium and very effective LED device for light therapy, is tuned to 650 nanometers and yields 48 joules of pain relieving energy in just FOUR minutes. It has 81 LEDs arranged for a large treatment area of 1400 square millimeters, giving 50mw/cm2 power density at focus. This device is made in the USA and is the most powerful hand held device available in the market today!

The Effect of Light Therapy on Chronic Pain

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